Tuesday 14 July 2015


Maua ya aina ya "Dieffenbachia" imeelezwa kuwa ni mimea hatari endapo utaikaribia kwa kuigusa ama vinginevo, kutokana na sumu iliypo katika mimea hiyo huweza kusababisha upofu kama maji maji ya mmea huo yatakufikia machoni , kadhalika yana Side effect" ambayo mnyama au binadam hupata maumivu makali na pia  kuvimba ulimi, kitu ambacho ni rahisi kupoteza maisha kwa kukosa hewa.

Mama aelezea jinsi maua haya yalivyotaka kutoa uhai wa mtoto wake, mara baada ya mtoto kushika na kuchezea majani ya maua haya, ghafla ulimi wake ukaanza kuvimba nakuwa mkubwa, kiasi cha kumfanya mtoto huyo  kukabwa na kukosa hewa, kutokana na hali hiyo ya ajabu

Ameongeza kuwa maua hayo yanasumu kuanzia majani mpka maji maji yake ni sumu tupu, hivyo ni bora kutokuwa na maua ya aina hiyo nyumbani, kwani ni hatari kwa watoto na hata watu wazima.
Pia imeelezwa kuwa maua hayo aina ya "dieffenbachia" yana madini mengi ya calium oxalate, ambayo yanauwezo wa kuua mtoto chini ya dakika moja. alisema mama huyo ambaye  binti yake mdogo kaponea chupu chupu baada ya kugusa maua hayo.

Many plants that we have at home are poisonous. “ When my child put a part of the leaf from this plant almost died! Her tongue became huge and she started to choke!” a mother explained. Remove these potted plants to save your children and be aware of how dangerous are they.
The best thing you can do is be aware of the environment when you leave your child at home. Watch where they play and what they play with.

This plant is called “Dieffenbachia” and every part of this plant is poisonous, even its juice. They contain calcium oxalate that can kill a child in less than a minute. “It almost killed my daughter”-she said.
This plant can kill a child in less than a minute and an adult in about 15 minutes.
It is better to remove this plant from home and prevent a deathful accident before it even happens.
If you touch by any chance this plant, make sure you don’t touch your eyes, you can go blind from its toxins!.
The safest thing to do is to get rid of it and keep a safe environment!.

The truth is that Dumb Canes are poisonous, however it rarely kills human or animal. All parts of the plant have lots and lots of microscope needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals and when some unfortunate animal (or person) chows down they end up with a painful and swollen mouth. In some cases the swelling is so bad it causes the victim to go silent for inability to talk, this is where the common name of Dumb Cane came from. Although not a cold hearted killer, it does cause some very unpleasant side effects and a hefty amount of pain to go with it. Avoid coming into contact with the sap and if you do, wash it off before you accidentally rub your eye or somewhere equally unfortunate.

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