Saturday 30 January 2016

Dad kills his 2 month old son because the baby won’t stop crying

Danielle Whyte, 31, had given birth to her baby boy just seven weeks before he was allegedly murdered at the hands of the most unsuspecting suspect – his own father.

51-year-old Jose Feliciano was allegedly jealous of baby Mason for commanding the attention of Whyte. On Dec. 10, police say Feliciano grew angry after hearing Mason crying and yelled at him in his room to stop crying but the infant kept crying, shortly after, Whtye heard ‘several loud bangs.’
Prosecutors now say the baby suffered ‘blunt force trauma.’
While Whyte explains she tried to revive her son once she realized what happened, it was too late. She says Feliciano allegedly threatened to kill her if she called police, so she decided not to.
Officials didn’t know about Mason’s tragic death until week later when Whyte attempted to harm herself and was sent to a New York hospital.
It was in the psychiatric ward where she confessed that Feliciano had taken the life of her baby boy and the location of where his body was buried. Police eventually found little Mason under a pile of dirt with a rose on top.
Now, even though she might not have physically killed her son, she’s charged with manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide charges, according to New York Daily News. She plead not guilty.
Officials say Whyte knew what she was doing when she left Mason in the ‘danger’ of her boyfriend’s care and did nothing to help him survive.
A CCTV showed him walking out of their apartment with a gym bag the night baby Mason was killed. Apparently, the infant was in that bag, he buried him in the same bag and acted like nothing happened.
Feliciano has plead not guilty to second-degree murder charges and, if convicted, faces a life sentence.

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