Wednesday 18 March 2015

Ugandan woman stripped and beaten-bloody in India…Lord save Africans! SMH


My heart bleed as I post this story. The woman in the above photo is said to be a Ugandan woman who was publicly beaten and humiliated in India. 

Not much information about the situation is known at this time excerpt that she is Ugandan and the situation happened in Assam, India. Apparently, this is a regular occurrence in India because according to the person who sent this in,
“Ugandan women are tortured, raped, humiliated and killed without help in Middle East Countries.”
This is inhumane and uncalled for. I don’t know what she did, but no human being should be treated like this. This is inexcusable considering how well we treat them when they come to our countries.
May God deliver us from bad leaders. I keep saying ‘bad leaders’ because if our leaders are anything to write home about, our people would have no reason to travel to other countries to seek greener pasture, especially not India, which is just another third-world country. Africans are suffering in foreign lands, and some times, its for no other reason other than the fact that they are Africans. This is too sad! SMH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emmanuel Amose01:31

very sad....where is human rights watch...