Monday, 15 September 2014


Wahukumiwa miaka 30 jela kwa kumtoa mtoto macho baada ya kukataa kuabudu shetani

Mahakama nchini Mexico imewafunga jela miaka 30 kila mmoja ndugu wa familia moja kwa kosa la kushirikiana kumtoa macho kwa kutumia kijiko mtoto wao mwenye umri wa miaka mitano baada ya kukataa kumuabudu shetani. 

Mtoto huyo aliyetajwa kwa jina la Fernando Caleb Alavarado Rios aliamrishwa kufumba macho mbele ya mama yake mzazi, mama yake mdogo, babu yake na wajomba zake wakati ambapo walikuwa wanamuomba shetani ajitokeze ili awasaidie kuepukana na janga la tetemeko la ardhi!

Lakini kijana huyo alikuwa anaogopa kwa jinsi utaratibu wa ibada hiyo ya kishetani iliyovyokuwa inaendeshwa hivyo akakataa kabisa kufanya hivyo.

Katika hali isiyo ya kawaida, mama yake mzazi aliyetajwa kwa jina la Maria del Carmen Garcia Rios alimkamata kwa nguvu na kuwataka wenzake wamsaidie kumtoa macho. Mama yake mdogo alishirikiana na mama yake na wakatekeleza kitendo hicho cha kinyama.

Mama yake Fernando

Kwa mujibu wa UK Daily Mail watu hao walikamatwa baada ya jirani yao kusikia makelele na kujaribu kufanya uchunguzi kujua kinachoendelea.

“Tuliweza kusikia makele na tulikuwa tunapiga hodi kwa nguvu kwenye mlango wao lakini hakuna mtu aliyetujibu, baadae polisi wa patrol alikuwa anapita na wanawake waliokuwa na sisi walikimbia barabarani na kumuita, walikuja polisi wengi na walitumia nguvu kuingia ndani.” Alieleza jirani huyo aitwae Joaquin Arguello.

Polisi aliyejitambulisha mahakamani hapo kwa jina la Benet Curiet aliyefika kwenye eneo la tukio alieleza kuwa baada ya kufika pale alikuta damu zikiwa zimetapaka, aliwahoji watu hao na mama yake alijitambulisha vizuri na kukiri kuwa yeye na mdogo wake ndio waliosaidiana kumtoa macho mtoto huyo baada ya kukataa maagizo yao wakati wa ibada ya shetani.

Jana (September 10) ilikuwa ni miaka miwili tangu lilipotokea tukio hilo May 2012, na mahakama imewahukumu wote waliokuwa katika ibada hiyo kifungo cha miaka 30 jela.

Mtoto Fernando hivi sasa hana uwezo wa kuona na madaktari wamempa miwani maalum na yuko katika uangalizi wa serikali. 


A five-year-old boy frightened by a bizarre satanic ritual was blinded by his own family.

His mother, aunt, two uncles and grandparents gouged out his eyes with a spoon when he refused to close them as they summoned the devil, calling on him to end the world and claim them for his own.

Neighbours disturbed by the screams and chanting investigated and discovered Maria del Carmen Garcia Rios, 28, her sister and two brothers and her parents engaged in the satanic ritual in the poor Nezahualcoyotl area near Mexico city.

A court heard the six danced and cavorted and were told to close their eyes so they didn't look at the devil when he arrived.

But when petrified five-year-old Fernando was scared by the commotion, his mother and sister grabbed a spoon and used it to gouge out the child's eyes. All five family members were sentenced to 30 years each.

Neighbour Joaquin Arguellor told the court he thought the family were devout and deeply religious, not Satanists.

He said: "We could hear screaming and we were banging on the door but nobody was answering, then a police patrol came past and one of the women who was with us ran into the road to flag it down, and officers forced their way inside."

Officer Benet Curiel said they witnessed a scene of horror inside.

Scantily-clad satanists were hunched over the screaming boy in the kitchen and the two women were covered in blood: "We called for an ambulance and kept the group against the wall at gunpoint away from the boy.

"I asked one of the women what was going on and she told me her name was Carmen Rios Garcia, and that the boy was her son.

"She identified him as Fernando Caleb Alvarado Rios, and said that she and her sister Lizbeth had done it."

She admitted that she had told him repeatedly to close his eyes and when he had told her "No, I do not want to close them" she had ordered the others to help remove his eyes.

The youngster has since been given glass eyes which Mexican health officials said would be constantly replaced as he grew older.

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