Friday 29 November 2013


MAXCOM Africa intends to create 20,000 job opportunities and increase the quality of life in 20,000 homesteads by December 2015. While presenting a paper titled ‘Innovative use of technology in changing local challenges into opportunities for development using the MaxMalipo Experience’, Ahmed Lussasi, the company’s Chief Operations Officer said the beneficiaries would be both individuals and group entrepreneurs.

Lussasi said his company has since inception in 2010 created 85 direct employments and 6,000 indirect job opportunities thus impacting the lives of 6,000 homesteads country wide.

He was speaking in Dar es Salaam during the recently concluded first season of ‘Fursa Campaign’ where he reiterated his company’s commitment to help the government achieve the 2015 Millennium Development Goals.

As a huge beneficiary of the Dar Technohama Business Incubator (DTBi), Maxcom Africa, trading as MaxMalipo is credited with bringing a durable solution in the distribution of prepaid electricity services TANESCO Luku countrywide as well as bringing electronic payment services closer to the people.

Lussasi said his company has already partnered with the Kinondoni Municipal Council in the collection of local government levies, a project that would employ over 200 youth.

The most recent achievement by MaxMalipo is the partnership with TEMESA in the provision of electronic ticketing services for the Magongoni – Kigamboni Ferry. The company has also been trusted with the distribution of the second phase TRA approved EFDs but also with the collection of road license levies by TRA.

Lussasi notes: “We have developed a strong and trusted electronic payment platform that enhances peoples lifestyles. We are proud to have worked with both the government and private companies especially in projects that effectively improve quality of live among Tanzanians.”

And continued: “We are working closely with the parliamentary committees regarding the use of electronic payment platforms in improving revenue collections in ministries and government corporations.

HE President Jakaya Kikwete pose for a group with local entrepreneurs during the climax of the first edition of Fursa Campaign in Dar es Salaam. The president reiterated on the government’s commitment to support youth economic initiatives saying ‘I Trust In The Youth’ as engineers of economic development.

A section of entrepreneurs that turned up in a packed Diamond Jubilee Hall during the climax of the first edition of Fursa Campaign in Dar es Salaam.


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